Monday, February 9, 2009

Hi there, I'm Jess....

Laughing's my favourite
...You might remember me from epic adventure tales such as Jess's adventures in Carcassonne, Ireland, London, Ireland, Paris, Ireland, Amsterdam, Ireland, New York, and of course, who could forget Ireland?

So, I was lying awake in bed the other night having a good old worry about things of absolutely no consequence and I started thinking about the emails that I have been writing since I left Australia in May 2008. And how obscenely long they are. And how they must drive people absolutely mental. And how they probably end up in most people's deleted files. So I have come up with a little stoke of guenius (if I may say so).

'I know!'
I thought whilst lying there.
'I shall start my very own blog for people to view as often or rarley as they like'.
See.....what a thinker I am. Mum and Da, be proud.

So, welcome to my blog. If it interests you, I will be making some incredibly exciting entries in the next 3 months. Titles may include:
  • Jess in Poland hanging out with Polish people.

  • Jess in Copenhagen stalking the memory of her idol, Hans Christian Anderson..
  • Jess in Wales traveling to a lot of places with long unpronouncable names...

And of course, possibly the most exciting of all:

  • Jess goes insane and decides it's a fabulous idea to walk across Spain for 6 weeks.

Stay tuned......

In Super Exciting news, in only 5 sleeps, my main man, The Da will be setting foot in my very own home away from home, Killarney! I am wet-my-pants excited about it, and can't wait to introduce him to my new friends. Then, we will jet off to Glasgow and spend a week together road tripping around Scotland. Unreal!!!

Tequila anyone??

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