Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thanks for the memories...

Today is my last day in Killarney.
To say I'm devastated would be an understatement. As excited as I am to spend the next two months traveling, it is a very bittersweet moment for me. Killarney is one of the most stunning places I have ever been to, and I have loved spending the last 9 months of my life here. Killarney has a fabulous National Park - the River Walk, Ross Castle and Island; and Torc Waterfall to name a few beautiful sights where I have spent many a happy hour wandering. I will miss the main streets where I have become a 'local', and can't walk down these days without running into someone I know. The pubs, the nightlife, the way of life, and of course, the people.

And so, my tribute to the amazing people I have had the pleasure of meeting:

Breda, my 'Irish Mammy' - One of the kindest and most generous people I have ever met. My summer in Killarney turned into a much longer stay, and I have been welcomed into her home without a problem. Breda has spent hours driving me around Kerry to show me the sights, introduced me to her friends and family, and made sure I was never left out or uncomfortable. I will always cherish the memories of our holiday in Carcassonne, our walks around Killarney, our sneaky afternoon pints of Guinness in the Speakeasy bar, and our endless gossip sessions. Breda, I will miss you so much. Thank you for being fabulous! I will miss you every day x

Brendan - Breda's son and my 'housemate'. I'll bet he's glad to finally get rid of the Aussie (who keeps returning) and have his home back! Quiet evenings now without the insistent 'How was school and tell me what you learnt'! Brendan, you're an absolute champ and a gentleman. Good luck with your rowing, running and school. Come and see me in Australia some time. I look forward to returning the favor and showing you around!

And now for the rest of the crew:

Tony Tony Tone: You probably won't get the joke, ask Rosie. Tony, you have been an amazing friend to me, and I have had so much fun with you (Before you went off the drink!). Thanks for all the time, chats, drinks and fun. You are a champ, and I will miss you heaps. You and Greta better come and visit me!

Big Kev: Ahhh, my Irish man with a taste in good music! Thanks for putting the tunes on my Ipod, and for Morcheba!!!! Cleaning up at Scotts can't be the same without 'Jess's clean up music'!! Puck was a memory I'll have forever - Kev on the guitar, Tony on the, um, stool??? haha!

Mike Lucey: Too funny for words. Mike, you always put a smile on my dial. So many great memories with you, be it the cinema (Hunger, what happened, we need to talk about it!), or out for a pint, or even just annoying you at work. You are an absolute champ and I'll never forget your silly little ways xx

Tommy Boy: Arrrrrrrrrrright!? 'You know we belong together.....' Haha.Tommy Boy, it's been my pleasure being your sounding board and confidant and you should never be ashamed of who you are. I have missed you so much since you moved back to Tip. Hope it all works out for you, and I love you x

And of course, I can't forget the rest of the Scotts Crew (Adrian, Keiran, Larry, Mikey, Dominica, Sasha, Lukasz, Jesse) - thanks for a great summer and for being so welcoming!

The crew from OBriens - Gea, Geraldine, Gemma, Paulina and the rest of the girls - worst job I've ever had in my life, but working with you made it so much more bearable! Good luck with the horrid Jen!

The crew at Mustangs - Paul, Deb, Anthony, Pat, Chris, Shane, Shaq, Hughie, James - good yet horrifying times!

The girls, Noretta and Avril. You've been fabulous to me. Loved loved loved spending time with you both and so glad to have met you. You have both been sounding boards for me, listening to my crap and giving advice. God, I missed Girlfriends until you came along! Be good, and please, come and visit. Avril, get Facebook!

And finally, the most special of the special kids:

Lily: My special Princess. I love love love you. It's all too sad to be even writing this down, because that means I'm really leaving you. You are so beautiful, lovely, funny, special and talented (really, everyone who's reading this, go to youtube and look up lilsypop, amazing!). I will miss you forever. My only regret is that I met you so recently. You have made so many sad times enjoyable. I have so many fab memories with you - including ditching out own Xmas parties to hang out with each other! Also, the numerous fabulous meals you have cooked for me, Xmas factor - you little superstar, and every night surviving through a shift at Mustangs. Ahhh Lil, I'll make this as painless as possible. I adore you, and this is not the end. As I said to you, something like this is so hard to find we'd better make sure we hang onto it. I love that you were as upset as me when we said goodbye tonight. I'll never forget you. You reach for the stars you amazing spunk you!!!!!

Rosey: This is as hard to write as Lily's bit. Rosey, possibly my favourite person in the entire cosmos. You Superstar you. I will absolutely mind you when you some to visit me, you pup. Mushie told me to tell you that he had his arse kicked by me at Jack's place.... 'You know what I mean like'..... And then Keiren said "arhjkbmsnkiofhfgjk'. I didn't get it.... Oh my sweet pea, I love you to death, Thank god we said goodbye in a dark alley - I'm sure my shakey sobs were bad enough. But now I can hold you close to my heart, by wearing my beautiful necklace and thinking of you. Ohhhhhhhh, boo!!!! I love you to to the stars and back xxxxx

And I can't forget those who made it all possible:
Andrew Joy and Sean Lynch. Absolute Superstars. Andrew, champ of all champs, making sure i was minded and ok. My biggest regret is not getting to know you better. Sean, you're too far away in New York New York, but loved catching up over the Summer and thanks for making this all possible. Owe you both a million!

And so that draws a close to my tribute. Tomorrow will be a very hard day getting on the train and actually leaving. So, as the title says....

...Thanks for the memories!

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