Sunday, April 12, 2009

Half way Point

Today was officially the half way point of my journey!

In the last week I have gone from Burgo - Mansilla De Real Camino, a total of 140km.
Today is officially 377km down, 330km to go. It´s a great feeling to be counting down now!

I am now travelling solo, and am loving it! I plug in the headphones and spend my days singing and dancing across Spain. Averaging about 26km per day in about 6 hours.

There is too much to fit in now, but for those wondering, I am alive, and I am ok.

Blisters, check!
Sunglasses tan, check!
VERY sore shoulder, check!
Raincoat and poncho, check!
Stale bread and questionable meat, check!
All set for another 2 and a half weeks.

Keep those emails and facebook messages coming. I miss you all, but I am feeling very at peace.


Like a Prayer....

If someone asked me if I was a religious person I would probably say no. I don´t go to Church on Sunday. I don´t say my prayers before bedtime. I´m not completely sold on the idea of heaven and hell. It bothers me that religion causes so much horror and violence in the world, when really, I believe everyone is praying to the same idol, be it Buddah, Allah, or God. However, I´m not an athiest, and my mind is completely open to the idea of there being a higher being. I think that I would like to class myself as ´Spiritual´. I have been attending Mass (and I´m not Catholic) regularly since being in Spain, and I have also been going to the odd prayer session - being careful to stay away from any open flames...! I find these sessions very meditative and relaxing. It is very peaceful.

I´m not interested in starting any debates with this post.
What I want is to share something with you all. This is a prayer that was said last night, and I thought it was special.

When the dust of the Camino and of our life stick to our shoes, Star of Compestela, Princess Star, will you tell me how to reach love?

Lord, make me a channel of thy peace.
That where there is hatred, I may bring love.
That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness.
That where there is discord, I may bring harmony.
That where there is error, I may bring truth.
That where there is doubt, I may bring faith.
That where there is despair, I may bring hope.
That where there are shadows, I may bring light.
That where there is sadness, I may bring joy.
Grant that I may seek to comfort rather than be comforted.
To understand, than be understood.
To love, than to be loved.
For, it is by self forgetting that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.

If you look past the fact that it is a religious prayer, it actually is a very soothing message and makes a lot of sense... It made me think anyway.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Los Arcos - Burgos

171km in 7 days

The Camino De Santiago is an experience. Amazing and horrendous. Fabulous and Terrible. Happy and Sad. I didn´t really have any reasons for starting this journey, apart from the idea of strolling through the Spanish countryside sounding like it could be ok. I still don´t know why I started this journey, but it has become a powerfully emotional and incredibly personal journey. I have experienced the most intense of emotions over the past 10 days, which has come as a real shock to me. I suppose having so much time to think can be a bit overbearing on the poor old mind!

My everything aches. Blisters on top of blisters, sore legs, dodgy shoulder now even dodgier. Sunburn, ´chubrub´ (inner thigh rash), dry skin. Urgh. I stink. Everything smells and is filthy. I would kill for a bath. But.......

....I wouldn´t change it. I have met the most special people. Kindness I can´t even explain. Language is no barrier, and it´s amazing. I have hooked up with a group of about 6 people - English, German, Austrian, and Italian. We tend to end up at the same Albergue (hostel) each night, and it´s like coming home! We all look out for each other and it´s a special feeling.

For those who haven´t heard, I had a terrible experience in GraƱon. We were staying in the Bell Tower of a church (I know, amazing). I went to an evening Prayer session and caught on fire - got too close to the candles. My jacket went up in flames, but thankfully, I´m ok. The next morning, all the other ´Pilgrims´staying there had taken up a collection for me to buy a new jacket. That´s what it´s like.

Today I was plodding along, when Otmar and Hermann - 2 lovely men with little english, caught up with me. They had a present for me. It was a new hat with a bottle opener attached to the brim, and they had written Camino De Santiago 2009, with the shell symbol on it. I think they think I have a drinking problem!! Very funny!

I have walked through all kinds of terrain, from forests and valleys to main roads with huge trucks tearing past. Lots of mountains, stunning scenery, and spent a few days solid walking through vineyards - shame it´s not wine season. It would have been beautiful to see it in full fruit.

That´s it in a nutshell - as always, I only have limited time on the internet, but I will try and update this more regularly. I´m off to Mass for Palm Sunday- My first ever Mass.´

Don´t worry, I´ll keep away from open flames :)