Sunday, April 5, 2009

Los Arcos - Burgos

171km in 7 days

The Camino De Santiago is an experience. Amazing and horrendous. Fabulous and Terrible. Happy and Sad. I didn´t really have any reasons for starting this journey, apart from the idea of strolling through the Spanish countryside sounding like it could be ok. I still don´t know why I started this journey, but it has become a powerfully emotional and incredibly personal journey. I have experienced the most intense of emotions over the past 10 days, which has come as a real shock to me. I suppose having so much time to think can be a bit overbearing on the poor old mind!

My everything aches. Blisters on top of blisters, sore legs, dodgy shoulder now even dodgier. Sunburn, ´chubrub´ (inner thigh rash), dry skin. Urgh. I stink. Everything smells and is filthy. I would kill for a bath. But.......

....I wouldn´t change it. I have met the most special people. Kindness I can´t even explain. Language is no barrier, and it´s amazing. I have hooked up with a group of about 6 people - English, German, Austrian, and Italian. We tend to end up at the same Albergue (hostel) each night, and it´s like coming home! We all look out for each other and it´s a special feeling.

For those who haven´t heard, I had a terrible experience in Grañon. We were staying in the Bell Tower of a church (I know, amazing). I went to an evening Prayer session and caught on fire - got too close to the candles. My jacket went up in flames, but thankfully, I´m ok. The next morning, all the other ´Pilgrims´staying there had taken up a collection for me to buy a new jacket. That´s what it´s like.

Today I was plodding along, when Otmar and Hermann - 2 lovely men with little english, caught up with me. They had a present for me. It was a new hat with a bottle opener attached to the brim, and they had written Camino De Santiago 2009, with the shell symbol on it. I think they think I have a drinking problem!! Very funny!

I have walked through all kinds of terrain, from forests and valleys to main roads with huge trucks tearing past. Lots of mountains, stunning scenery, and spent a few days solid walking through vineyards - shame it´s not wine season. It would have been beautiful to see it in full fruit.

That´s it in a nutshell - as always, I only have limited time on the internet, but I will try and update this more regularly. I´m off to Mass for Palm Sunday- My first ever Mass.´

Don´t worry, I´ll keep away from open flames :)

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