Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Journey of my Life..

Pamplona to Santiago de Compostela.
707km in 31 days.
Pretty. Bloody. Proud.

As you may have noticed, I have had a lot of trouble keeping this blog updated on the road. As I briefly touched on in an earlier post, I have been on quite the journey, both physically and mentally. It would be impossible to even attempt to put half of it into writing for anyone to understand.

The Camino de Santiago is intense.
I have walked in all kinds of weather - burning hot sunshine, pouring rain, hail (a lot of hail), wind blowing so hard and fast that it feels like it`ll flatten you, and even snow.
I have walked through all kinds of terrain - vineyards, mountains, valleys, along streams, through dry arid countryside, along freeways, through tiny untouched villages, and through forests.
The paths have been concrete, grass, puddles and mud, stones, dirt and at times, hard to find.
I have experienced emotions ranging from the most intense highs to the most incredible lows.
I have laughed, and I have cried. I have felt at peace, and I have felt frustrated. I have been scared and I have felt powerful.
I have met people who have amazed me with their outlooks, insights and incredible ways, and I have met people who have astounded me with their bitterness and stupidity.
I have learnt so many important lessons, and these lessons have come to me in the most curious and subtle of ways. They say that their are angels on the Camino and I think that is true.

I would like to give a shout out to my Angels:
Some of the most amazing and special people in the world. My thoughts will always be with you all. We`ve had the most amazing of times and I couldn`t think of people more appropriate to share the journey with.

This is without a doubt the best thing I`ve done in my life so far. I wish I could share more, but most of the things I experienced are mine to keep close to my heart. I`m sure stories will come out over time, so keep tuned to this station if you want to know more...


  1. Hi Jess. I´m amazing read about you Camino. For me it was also the journey of my life. I´m sure I´ll come back soon. I want to feel El Camino again...
    BUEN CAMINO from Sevilla
