Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 2: Puente La Reina - Estella

Approx 22km

Day two was an easier walk - still long and with lots of uphill walking, however no where near as steep as yesterday. My biggest problem was the HUGE blisters that were brewing between my toes (a result of living in Ireland for too long and not needing to wear my thongs, so the skin between my big and second toes were all tender and precious!) Each step was like walking on razors, but I soldiered on and made it to my destination, albiet slowly!

Today I met the amazing Cathy who hails from England. We spent some time walking together and some time walking alone, but always kept each other in our sights and took lots of breaks together. I felt so lucky to have met Cathy, and really enjoyed her company and sense of humor. Her feet were also in a bad way (in fact, I feel bad even compaining about my feet, which were perfect compared to hers!). The two of us must have been quite the sight, hobbling along like a pair of old Nanas!

We had an incredibly funny moment at one stage today. We were walking through a huge tunnel just outside of Lorca, when two (very handsome) young men rode past us on their bikes. Here they are:
Yep, that's right! We hadn't seen anyone for miles, and then we ran into Superman and Spiderman. Only on the Camino!!

Estella is a lovely place, with lots of old buildings and cobblestone streets. Cathy and I cooked our dinner in the kitchen of the Albergue - it was cold and windy so we wanted some comfort food - chirizo and pasta and lots of yummy red wine. We were the only girls in the Albergue, so we were treated to a symphony of snoring from our dorm room of smelly men!

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