Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 8: Granon - Villambista

Approx 24km

After the excitement of last night, today was supposed to be a day for reflection and contemplation, so I left Cathy in Castildelgado and sat off on my merry little way alone. I put in my headphones, and that was the end of any serious contemplation! I spent the next few hours powering along, singing at the top of my lungs, and being a happy little vegemite!

I had my lunch on a park bench next to a path where a lot of elderly couple were walking. It was really sweet watching them all walk along, little and bent, hand in hand. Every single one of them stopped to chat to me, which was lovely and hard because I still can't speak much Spanish!

It was a very long day, as I was planning on stopping in Tosantos, but when I got to the Albergue, I was met at the door by a man who couldn't speak english and had to take me inside to show me that there was no bathroom, kitchen, or running water!

With my feet about to fall off, I trudged the 2km to Villambista, hoping that the Albergue there would be open. I was very pleasantly surprised to find a bar/Albergue run by a kind, lovely man with a gorgeous dog who poured me a much needed, gigantic beer! A little old man was sitting in the bar and he laughed and told me that he didn't believe that I could drink the whole thing! I told him "I'm Australian, Easy!". He laughed, but didn't stick around long enough for me to prove him wrong!

Eventually, a group of my friends turned up, and we had a really lovely night together, having a few beers in the evening sunshine, followed by a group dinner. The town had a population of about 20, all of whom were in the bar, because it was Friday night, so it was good times for us! I had an especially pleasing moment before dinner when we were all sitting out on a verandah in the beautiful sunshine, stretching out the days aches and having a bit of meditation time/sun worship while I listened to my fellow peregrinos chatting. It was so soothing and relaxing after the long day. Bliss.

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