Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 9: Villambista - Atapuerca

Approx 24km

Today started out nicely, having breakfast with the rest of the gang from last night - feasting on freshly baked croissants, juice and coffee. I set off alone after breakfast and spent most of the day by myself. Most of the path today was through a forest with a very long and steep incline, which wasn't very fun first thing in the morning! However, I made it, every painful step of the way. At this stage, blisters are appearing on top of blisters!

It was a nice enough wander I suppose, although for much of the day I felt like I could really throw the towel in and head for civilisation with a hot bath, clean clothes, moisturiser and a cuddle!!

I stopped for my lunch in the middle of the forest on a nice elevated bit of moss. It was so quite and eerie, I went from being relaxed to being petrified and back again in a matter of minutes!! Apparently the forest was once a haven for theives, and I can completely understand why! Plenty of places to hide and no one around for miles!

When I made it through the forest, the next town was full of my 'amigos' sitting in the sun outside a bar. I was happy to join them for a much needed cold drink and soaked in the sunshine for an hour or so before heading off again.

The rest of the gang were headed to Age's tonight, and I decided to walked a further 2.5km to the next town on, Atapuerca. I felt that I needed to seperate myself from the group and have some time concentrating on my thoughts - although once I got there I felt pretty lonely!

I was a bit cranky and out of sorts today, with silly things getting my nose bent out of shape - like, someone was in the shower when I wanted one. Dumb! I was very much cheered up later on when I went outside to sit in the last of the evening sunshine and saw a tiny little puppy chained up in the yard. He belonged to the girl running the Albergue and she told me he was a baby - only 4 months old! I sat down and played with him for at least half an hour. He cuddled up to me in my lap and it was just what I needed to put the smile back on my dial. So, so cute, and the absolute highlight of my day.

Atapuerca's claim to fame is a site not far from town where the oldest human remains in Europe have been found - from what I could understand they are from the Neolythic period. A group of people from the Albergue were going on a tour bus to see it and invited me along. I was all set to go when I discovered that the tour was only in Spanish and I wouldn't be able to understand anything, so I gave it a miss, and regretted it later when I saw the photos!

There were only 6 of us staying in the Albergue tonight, and I was at a bit of a loose end about what to do for dinner, when the rest of them invited me out with them to the local restaurant. The group consisted of me - the only girl and an Italian man, a Spanish man, a French man, a German man and a Spanish man who lives in Germany. It was a joyous meal with so many languages flying around and lots of smiles and kindness. I was especially taken with Jose, the Spanish/German. He sat next to me and we spoke in a variety of broken german, broken english and some help from translators! He seemed like a very special man, who made sure I had enough wine and food and was involved in the conversation the whole time. He blew me a kiss on my way to bed, which was just so sweet. He finished his journey the following day, so I wasn't to see him again much to my dismay.

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