Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 6: Navarette - Azofra

Approx 21.5 km (into the wind alllll day long)

I was still feeling horribly sick today, so it was another day full of struggles! Thank goodness for a great night's sleep last night and good people to walk with!

Cathy, Harry, Stefan and I set out together again and slogged it out for the first 7km to Ventosa, where we had our first coffee pit stop - I really enjoyed the coffee breaks at the first town of the day - really made it more bearable to get going!

When we got to Najera, I was dying for the loo, so I went into a bar and asked the lady in my very bad, minimal Spanish if I could please use the Banos (toilet). Well, apparently this was a problem, judging from her rapid shouting and 'bugger off' hand gestures! I got out of there in a hurry, still busting and by now, a bit upset! I think Najera must be a place where cranky people decide to live, because my encounters with other people in this town was on par - was happy to see it getting smaller and smaller behind me!!

Cathy and I finally had a nice experience at lunch time when we had our picnic spread out and were joined by a whole gang of local dogs - they were adorable, timid 'lil things!

Apart from that, it was an uneventful day walking through vineyards, laced with the random Billy Joel songs that were stuck in my head. The afternoon was looooong and I was very happy to see Azofra and the Albergue (which had double rooms - the only one on the Camino, so Cathy and I were lucky to have a room to ourselves tonight).

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