Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh, the horror.....

It was something that concerned me.
I lay awake at night time trying to figure it out.
I talked to other people about it, but they could cast no light on it.
What am I talking about?

The Mullet.

That's right...Those wacky Spanish men loooove their mullets.
Yep, the good old 'business in the front, party at the back', made popular in the 80's by cringe worthy musos and sports stars.

Someone described the style as a combination of Guido and the Redneck..... quite the fitting description, no?

Apparently, it's cool to wear this tragic haircut in Spain - the Spanish men think it makes them look 'hip' and judging from the varieties I saw, noone is telling them otherwise - braided rats tails, dreadlocks, flattops, urgh......

Obviously Spain hasn't heard the news.....mullets just aren't awesome...
Oh, fashion forward Spanish men, please, please, please - it's time to ditch the mullets chickos!!!

Or God help us, this is what we may be in for......

Or even worse!

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